Blue Flower


Survival Nutritian Guide

Systemic Global Collapse Likely

-Situation Up Date-21-2-21 Part 1

Systemic Global Collapse Likely

-Situation Up Date-21-2-21 Part 2

Both political parties are now pro-vaccine, pro-death, anti-human

It's sad to say, but after the pro-vaccine stance at CPAC yesterday, we must now conclude that both political parties (Dems and the GOP) are pro-vaccine, pro-death and anti-human.

Dems mass murder human beings through abortion, calling it "women's health." The GOP mass murders human beings through vaccines, calling it, "public health."

Big Pharma and the global genocide vaccine industry has captured all the political leaders everywhere (with "bribes" and campaign donations), and no prominent political party will dare tell the truth about how vaccines are being used to help rid the world of what globalists consider to be "excess population."

Both USA Political Parties Support Vaccines Situation Update

The Health Ranger 1-03-21 Part One

Both USA Political Parties Support Vaccines Situation Update

The Health Ranger 1-03-21 Part Two

Both USA Political Parties Support Vaccines Situation Update

The Health Ranger 1-03-21 Part Three

Both USA Political Parties Support Vaccines Situation Update

The Health Ranger 1-03-21 Part Four

Both USA Political Parties Support Vaccines Situation Update

The Health Ranger 1-03-21 Part Five

"Google will be in charge of your DNA collected through PRC Tests"

"Your DNA will be used to help decide if your DNA show signs imperfect DNA Genes,

then you will be selected for a "Extra Special Kill Shot Vaccine"

" PCR Tests are DNA Collection Procedures"

"Lockdowns only crush the economy (in particular crushing small business) and can not help the stop of spread on any virus"

"The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Vaccine is a mas genocide agenda"

"All that is needed to help people not being sick with any sort of virus or sickness is for people to take Vitamin A, B, C, D and Zinc and other uncontaminated for and water which contain natural foods, vitamin, anti-oxidents and minerals to help the immune system work properly and effectively"... Mike Adams, the Health Ranger the founder of Natural News, who runs  multi million dollar food laboratory health research centre. You can download the eight hour audio book at that will teach you life saving secrets of how to use food, nutrients, plant molecules, traces minerals  which will help save your life ... even in a full economic, political and social collapse scenario .... "

Both USA Political Parties Support Vaccines Situation Update

The Health Ranger 1-03-21 Part Six

Both USA Political Parties Support Vaccines Situation Update

The Health Ranger 1-03-21 Part Seven

Both USA Political Parties Support Vaccines Situation Update

The Health Ranger 1-03-21 Part Eight


  • How to strategically use foods, nutrients, remedies, chemicals and herbs to stay alive during a collapse
  • Which fruit trees can produce fruit in the FIRST YEAR of planting
  • What food processing equipment you need to own right now, before the supply lines crater
  • Why most of the popular "survival food" products are nothing more than processed food garbage that won't help you survive
  • How to make your own high-capacity water filter
  • How to protect and enhance your cognitive function and alertness with foods and nutrients
  • The best technique for extracting medicine from herbs (takes only 20 minutes)
  • How to grow your own mineral supplements without using soil or sunlight
  • How to use honey as a natural antibiotic and wound treatment
  • Which foods and herbs are natural antibiotics (that you can grow yourself)
  • Why you need to stockpile SALT and BAKING SODA now, and why these simple, low-cost substances can save your life
  • Exactly which mineral compounds to stockpile before SHTF
  • The top myths of foods and nutrition that will get people killed in a collapse
  • How to stretch your survival food supplies to double or triple their planned duration
  • Which grocery items to stockpile NOW in preparation for severe food shortages
  • Learn which element you can stockpile that serves as money and antibacterial medicine
  • How to replace scarce medication with abundant healing foods in a collapse scenario




You can download the eight hour audio book at that will teach you life saving secrets of how to use food, nutrients, plant molecules, traces minerals  which will help save your life ... even in a full economic, political and social collapse scenario .... "

 Survival Nutrition by Mike Adams



Survival Nutrition Guide

Welcome to Survival Nutrition. I’ll be your host, Mike Adams. I’m the author of Food Forensics and the owner of an ISO accredited forensic food laboratory. This course is all about how to use nutrition to stay alive as we experience this global reset, perhaps civil war -- definitely riots in the streets -- and all these crazy things that are happening right now. This is being recorded in September of 2020. If you’re hearing this on a video website somewhere, feel free to download the entire audiobook for free at Also, I’ve got two other websites that may be of interest to you. I’ve published another nine-hour audiobook called the Global Reset Survival Guide. A free download of the entire audiobook is available at,

plus a PDF transcript. A PDF transcript is also available for this course, Survival Nutrition, and you can get that download for free at, if you don’t already have it. Finally, I have another website called Prep is short for preparedness, or prepare. brings you videos, howto videos, especially about firearms, survival gear, demonstrations and solutions to help you stay alive during this very difficult time. Most people know me as the Health Ranger, and my focus has been on health, nutrition, foods and superfoods for over 20 years now. With this course, Survival Nutrition, I’m finally getting a chance to put this to use in a way that can help people survive what’s coming, which includes extreme food shortages. Let’s just start out right up front here. What is this all about? What is Survival Nutrition? It’s a lot more than just food preparedness. Everybody knows to store some food. By the way, a lot of the food that people are storing is really toxic food, which we’ll talk about I think in chapter three or four. This is about more than food. This is about how to strategically use certain foods, nutrients, remedies and even food-related chemicals and herbs to stay alive during a collapse or domestic war, a grid-down scenario. We’re talking about extended periods of collapse. This isn’t just about how to survive a threeday outage due to a hurricane, or how to survive a tornado, or how to survive a cold spell in the winter. This is about how to survive the collapse of society -- at least some temporary collapse, perhaps lasting months, but potentially even years. It turns out that in a collapse, your need for nutrition goes up. This is the key point that underlies this entire course. Every day, you see most people don’t eat very well in terms of food and nutrition. They eat a lot of fast food, a lot of processed food, and they get by okay, because frankly, they’re not working that hard physically. Most people don’t have very physical jobs. People who do have to eat a lot more food, but that food’s not always good for them either. They suffer chronic health conditions. But most people in society today eat relatively little compared to what they would have to eat in a survival scenario. Why is that? Because in a survival scenario, guess what? You’ll be doing a lot of things by hand. You may have to wash your clothes on a washboard with a plunger in a bucket of water and soap. You might have to make your own soap. Have you ever done that? It’s labor-intensive. You might have to grow your own food, which is very labor-intensive. Most people don’t know much about gardening or food production. In fact, they know so little that they will starve to death while gardening. They’ll expend more effort trying to grow food than they’ll get back from it because they’re growing all the wrong things. You can starve to death while growing celery and parsley, for example. You have to grow other foods that have a very high caloric return, such as tubers, potatoes and things like that. We’ll talk about that in this course. It’s also about additional stresses that happen to you in a survival scenario, where you may be under physical and mental stress. You may be awake all night because you’re running a patrol for your community, or you’ve been under attack by roving bands of rioters or looters or something. You may not get good sleep. You might suffer a lot from sleep deprivation. You may be wounded. How are you going to heal your wounds? How are you going to handle an infection without the hospital and the antibiotics and all those other things that people have grown used to in modern society? In this course, Survival Nutrition, I’ll teach you nutritional solutions for all these things. There’s another aspect of this that’s really important: cognitive support. Because in a survival scenario, you need to be able to think clearly. You need to be alert mentally, because dangers could lurk at every corner. There could be someone stealing from you as you’re trying to buy groceries or other goods at some kind of a barter location set up by your local town or city. People may be trying to attack you. They may be trying to kill you. On the cognition side of things, you need to be able to make very good decisions on a day-to-day basis. Because they’re poisoned by toxic food ingredients and medications, most people don’t make good cognitive decisions, and that’s just every day in society. People are horrible decision-makers. In good times when you’re not in a survival scenario, making bad decisions doesn’t necessarily cost you your life. But in a collapse, in an SHTF scenario, when it all hits the fan, a bad decision can get you killed. Brain support and cognitive function is key to this, and we’re going to cover that in this course as well. It’s everything, from natural antibiotics and first aid to nourishment and nutrition; 

how to produce high-calorie foods that are also healthy; how to choose the right nutrients; how to choose the right foods for storage; and how to store them properly, so that you don’t have them ruined by rodents and pests, or by oxidation and so on.

There are many things we’re going to cover in this course that will help you survive. A lot of things that I think will surprise you, because many of the most important things are very simple, but people tend to not think about them. A lot of people store large amounts of food and large amounts of toilet paper, and it’s really not surprising if you read the ingredients on the food they’re storing. Those are foods that cause a lot of diarrhea and have bad digestive effects. Suddenly it makes sense why they have a shopping cart full of toilet paper at the local Costco. Maybe they know more than we think they do. They’re planning ahead because they’ve stored a bunch of horrible foods. I’ll show you in this course how to store very inexpensive food that will keep you alive. A lot of this is learned from experience. I’ve been to many places around the world. I’ve lived in many other countries. I lived in South America for two years, and I spoke nearly fluent Spanish at the time. I lived in Taiwan; I speak Mandarin Chinese at a basic level now. I’ve been to Europe and Australia and Hong Kong and China and Singapore and Peru. I’ve hiked the Andes mountains up to Machu Picchu. In all these places, I’ve observed what low-tech, low-income people usually do for their own stored food. I’ve observed the high elevation sweet potato farmers in Peru that are essentially plowing fields with the beasts of burden, like a giant ox with a wooden plow, and what we call the Indian people in a high elevation Peru, you know, with the -- I don’t know what to call the hats. They’re kind of like black hats. And those people have very colorful sweaters and vests and so on. They have a very unique style of dress, and they’re out there working the farm fields. I’ve been there in person because I’ve done those hikes myself up to high elevations, where I was out of breath as well, even though I was in pretty good shape at the time. But the local people there, they’re built for that high elevation exertion. They taught me a lot of things. There’s a lot of observations. For example, if you’re hiking through the Andes mountains, what do you bring for food? What’s very easy to turn into food? They brought quinoa, eggs and salt. With those three ingredients, you just catch water in a mountain stream, and then you build a small campfire. You boil the water, you put the quinoa in it and it expands tremendously. Add the eggs -- kind of like egg drop soup -- then throw in some salt and you’ve got a very delicious, high-protein food that can keep you going as you’re hiking up the mountains. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to carry that around because quinoa is very, very light. When it absorbs water, it expands tremendously, much more than rice. If you don’t carry water with you, you can still get water from the stream. That’s how you hike around the Andes mountains and stay well-fed while you’re burning 5,000 calories a day, maybe more. We’ll cover these kinds of things. I’ll bring you a lot of benefits of experience and mistakes that I’ve made, as well as lessons that I’ve learned all over the world. When I lived in Ecuador at that time, I was growing about 70% of my entire diet.

I had a food forest in Ecuador where I grew tropical fruits, everything from mangoes and papaya to cherimoya and many other things. We had a yucca root plant, so we made yucca soup all the time. Maybe a little too much, had way too much yucca soup in my lifetime already. Yucca is easy to grow – I guess in English you would pronounce it “yuca,” but I’m used to calling it yucca because that’s the Spanish pronunciation of it. Yucca is easy to grow, and many things that can produce fruits quickly are very easy to grow. Depending on your climate, you might not need to wait eight years for a pear tree or a pecan tree to start producing fruit. You can have fruit in one year with a fig tree. A kumquat tree can produce kumquat fruits, which are a natural source of vitamin C. There are also anti-cancer nutrients in kumquat peels, which are edible. Kumquat trees can produce fruit in one year. There are things that you can do now, even if you feel like you’re late to the game. You could go buy a one-foot-tall fig tree and you can plant it, and in the right climate, that can be a 10-foot-tall tree in one year, producing loads of figs. Survival Nutrition Guide 4

Then you can learn how to dry the fig, if you don’t already know. You can have dried figs, which are a great source of calories and obviously sugars and sweetness. You can combine that with things like, believe it or not, a dried meat or bacon or jerky. You can have -- I think it’s even a delicacy in some restaurants – bacon-wrapped figs. It’s a combination of fat and sweetness and richness, as well as lots of minerals. But you can also get endurance from the protein in the meat and the fat in the bacon. If you’re not a meat eater, there are going to be plenty of things here that are vegan or vegetarian. This is not at all about eating a lot of meat. In fact, most of this probably isn’t about meat, and where appropriate, I’ll mention it. That’s the quick overview of what you’re going to learn in this course. Now what I’m going to get to next here are the three problems that most people have when it comes to nutrition and survival. First, let me just share a little bit of background in case you don’t know who I am and what my experiences are. As I mentioned up front, I am the author of Food Forensics, which was at one point, the number one best-selling science book on

I’m the owner of CWC labs, which is an ISO accredited mass spectrometry laboratory for food forensic analysis and food testing.

I’m the founder and owner of, which is an online retailer of foods, superfoods, certified organic storable foods, essential oils and many other things. What’s unique about us is that we lab test everything that we sell. We quarantine all the raw materials as they come into our warehouse in central Texas. We sample everything, take it to our lab and run heavy metals testing. We run glyphosate testing. We run microbiology tests, including E. coli and salmonella, and a total plate count for yeast and mold.

Then for other types of foods, depending on the food or supplement, we run additional tests. For milk, for example, or dried milk products, we run the bovine growth hormone tests. For spirulina, we run radiation tests, just to make sure there’s no latent radiation in it and things like that.

We do this very comprehensive laboratory testing and almost everything we sell is certified organic. We don’t sell anything that’s genetically modified. We don’t use any artificial substances, like fragrances, preservatives, food coloring or any of that garbage, even in our laundry detergent product, dishwashing detergent product and body soap. I think we have a toothpaste coming out soon as well. These are very meticulously crafted to be completely free of artificial chemicals, synthetics, pesticides and heavy metals. That’s what we’re known for. Doing this over the years, I started a laboratory -- I think it was in 2013. In fact, when I started the lab, we had to purchase ultimately what became millions of dollars’ worth of laboratory testing equipment, like a mass spectrometry equipment. We’ve got, for example, what’s called a triple quad mass spec, which does organic chemistry and pesticide testing and quantitative analysis. I can tell you if there’s one part per billion of glyphosate in your beer, for example. That’s how sensitive it is. I can detect one part per billion of lead or mercury in your rice protein from China, which is usually very contaminated, by the way. We can find arsenic in seafood products, which is very common, or glyphosate in lentils and oats, and lead in turmeric root powder, which are also very common. Survival Nutrition Guide 5

Over the years, I’ve had to be trained on all of these instruments. I’ve had to learn quite a lot about organic chemistry and also inorganic chemistry, which is an elemental analysis. We’ve seen thousands of thousands of samples of foods because we are buying foods and we’re selling foods. We’re buying them sometimes 50,000 pounds at a time, with big rigs coming into our warehouse in central Texas and unloading pallets and pallets of food ingredients -- everything from black beans to oats, quinoa and rice, all kinds of things. Because of this experience, I’ve had a unique view of the food industry: what’s clean and what’s polluted, what the supply lines are like, and some of the games that food raw material providers play with people like us. They try to deceive companies with fake credentials, fake certificates, fake organic certifications and so on. I’ve gained some very unique experience that I’ll share with you here, about how to get honest foods, superfoods and supplements, how to make sure they’re clean and how to store them and use them in a survival scenario. It’s not very common to find scientists like myself. I’m a published food scientist who is also a survivalist, so to speak, or a prepper; that’s what I am. That experience is what I’m going to share with you in this course.

Now, just adding this thought in the context of who I am and my science background: When it comes to food forensics, I’m always searching for the truth about what’s in food. I’ve promoted organics over the years. I’ve tried to teach people to avoid pesticides, which are neurotoxic, by the way, and to avoid GMOs and heavy metals and so on. This endeavor has not made me popular with anybody, certainly not the pesticide manufacturers, and also not the storable foods industry, which relies almost exclusively on genetically modified, partially hydrogenated soybean oil and derivative products from GMO corn and so on. There’s something about our society today where truth-tellers are vilified and liars are celebrated. People out there lie to the world and say, “Oh, we’ve got the most amazing food. It’s dirt cheap, but it’s perfectly good. It’s all nonGMO and it’s got a shelf life of 25 years.” That company is going to get a lot of business because they’re lying to people. Their foods are actually GMO and the shelf life of their products is probably only two years, not 25 years. But since there’s very little regulatory enforcement of those claims, they get away with it, and they get a lot of business and can just lie to people. Most people don’t read the ingredients list. Then someone like me comes along and does the testing and all and says, “Oh, wow, there’s a lot of glyphosate in there, or your rice has arsenic in it. Your lentils are contaminated with glyphosate and so on.” And you know what? People don’t like to hear that. It’s very rare to find somebody in the world who does. This is even true in politics. I mean, there’s no one running for president that stands up there and says, “Hey, by the way, America’s broke and we printed way too much money. The dollar is going to at some point and all the savings that you have in dollars will soon be worthless. Right? Okay, vote for me!”.

That never happens, because it’s not a popular message. In many cases, people like to be lied to by charlatans, political charlatans or storable foods industry charlatans, or, I guess, in some cases, survival industry charlatans, or whatever. I mean, people really do demand to be lied to because it’s easier for them to handle the deceptions rather than the truths of the world. Because truths are very inconvenient. Truths are difficult. It’s hard to shop for clean food. It’s hard to buy organic all the time. It’s hard to get it right on every front. It’s hard to navigate political claims and decide who’s telling the truth and who isn’t. These things are difficult. But I’ve made it my mission to discover the truth using instruments of science in many cases, then to publish that truth on my main website,, which is, of course, viciously attacked by the genetically modified seed producers and the pesticide producers, and so on. But that just kind of goes with the territory. What you’re getting here is a very rare observation about healthy foods and honest foods. I don’t think there’s anyone else in the world who does what I do in terms of being both a prepper and a food scientist, and also a firearms expert, having gone through 5,000 hours of firearms training over the years, which I’ve covered in the other course, the Global Reset Survival Guide. Survival Nutrition Guide 6

There really aren’t very many people like this, and certainly none of them want to go public and talk about what they know, because a lot of the things that I talk about are not politically correct. For example, saying that most storable food is genetically modified, processed junk food that has lower quality than typical prison food. That’s not a statement that wins you friends in the food industry. Most of what’s going on out there in the industry is an effort to get people to shut up and not talk about the dirty little secrets of survival food or food storage, or what’s really in these herbs -- most of which are from China, in many cases. You wouldn’t believe how much food, supplements and herbs come from China. For example, here’s a little tidbit: A lot of companies that are retailing supplements to a US audience, they say that their supplements are made in the USA. That’s what’s on their bottle: “Made in the USA.” Guess where the ingredients come from. Oh, communist China. And they are heavily polluted with toxic heavy metals. In fact, we currently reject about 80% of the lots of food raw materials that we test, and it’s even higher, maybe 90%, or maybe even more. If we ever look at something from China -- which we rarely do -- sometimes we get materials that a reseller wants us to look at. They’re almost always heavily polluted. But these supplement companies, they’ll buy toxic materials from China dirt cheap, loaded with lead, arsenic and cadmium. Then they’ll have an encapsulation contractor in the United States that makes the product in the USA, which means encapsulating it. They’ll add a flow agent, typically what’s called MCC, or microcrystalline cellulose – it’s just a white powder, basically wood pulp that’s dried. They’ll add that as a flow agent. Then they’ll encapsulate the cheap Chinese herbs into capsules in the USA and sell them at Whole Foods or wherever, and on the bottle, it’ll say Made in the USA. The average customer thinks that that means the ingredients in the bottle came from the USA. They think, “Oh my gosh, this must be U.S. farmers. This must be really clean food” because the U.S. has environmental regulations and farming regulations, and so on. Made in the USA must be good. No. It’s cheap Chinese crap, heavily contaminated with toxic substances, that’s just encapsulated in the USA. It’s all deception, you see, and I’ve probably got a hundred stories like this to tell you that are all true and that would all blow your mind. Survival Nutrition Guide 7

For example, I don’t know if you know this, but USDA organic certification does not encompass heavy metals, so you can have a USDA certified organic product, anything wheat, corn, sugar beets, whatever. It can be totally contaminated with lead, but it can still be certified organic. The grower never has to test it for lead to receive the organic certification. Why is that? Because the USDA just doesn’t have the scope of heavy metals as part of its certified organic program. You know why? Because the USDA organic program is run by powerful food corporations that have lots of dirty little secrets, such as heavy metals contamination. You know why that is? You know why are the farms contaminated with heavy metals in America? Because everywhere across the country, people flush toilets with their poo in it. I’ll keep this polite, all of that human feces goes down the sewage system, and it gets collected in the sewage treatment plants, where it’s called biosolids. They dry the biosolids out a little bit, and then they load this material into trucks to get rid of it. They go out to farmers outside the cities, in the rural areas. They say, “Hey, Mr. Farmer, would you like free fertilizer? We have a high-nitrogen biosolids product we’ll give you for free, if you will let us just spread it on your farm.” The farmers who don’t do their research on this because they’re busy growing food, they’ll say, “Well, yes, we’ll take your free fertilizer with nitrogen in it.” The city people go, “Great!”

Then they load up trucks with human sewage and they spread it on the farms. These are the farms where the cows feed.

These are the farms that grow your almond orchards in California, or pear orchards in Washington state, or apple orchards – fruits, nuts and even vegetables all across the West Coast. It’s really everywhere across America, but that’s sort of the food center of America, the Central Valley of California. It’s all irrigated with sewage water, and it’s fertilized with human sewage. Guess what people flushed down the toilet? Not just their poo. They flush all kinds of other things down there – not to get gross but, you know, condoms and tampons and such. These end up on the farm fields. It’s very common. Any agricultural worker in California will tell you, when they’re going through the field and they’re planting or weeding or whatever, it’s not uncommon to find all of these crazy things that people flush down the toilet. Also, they get light industrial waste from the light industry businesses, such as car mechanic shops and dental offices, and so on. Guess what they’re flushing down the drain? Mercury from mercury fillings, and they’re flushing lead down the drain. They’re flushing arsenic and cadmium. All of that gets concentrated in what I call “biosludge.”

Then the biosludge gets spread on the farms. Then the farms produce the food that people are eating, not knowing what’s in it. This happens all across America. In fact, I’ve interviewed numerous experts on this, including an EPA whistleblower, who was fired for doing research on this. That documentary is available for free: It’s called “Biosludged,” and you can download it or watch it at It’s just an incredible true story about the toxins that go into the food supply. Most people have no idea that this is happening. If you’re still listening, here we are 30 minutes into the intro, you’re still listening. I’m willing to bet that you’ve already heard three or four things that just totally shocked you, things that you never knew were true. Like, you thought maybe certified organic means clean food, but it doesn’t at all. You thought made in America supplements include ingredients that are grown in America, but no, they don’t. They’re all stuff grown in China. You probably didn’t know that human sewage has spread on farms and goes right back into the food supply, right?

Let me hit you with one more thing.

I’m not trying to gross you out here. Suppress the gag factor on this. Washington State has legalized the liquefaction of dead human bodies to be put down to the drain. It’s perfectly legal, and it’s a new way to dispose of the dead. They liquefy the dead and then put them down to the municipal sewer system with chemicals. Then that goes into the biosludge that gets spread onto the farms in Washington State, which is where your apples, pears, nuts and vegetables come from as well. They’re literally liquefying the dead and feeding them to the living, which is a line right out of The Matrix, which, at one time, was believed to be a science fiction movie. Now it’s actually a law in the State of Washington. Yes, you can look it up, it’s true. Survival Nutrition Guide 8 This is some of what you need to know. If you’re going to prepare food for survival, you need to know what’s in your food. You need to know where it’s coming from. You need to know how to get clean food and how to store it. Also, you need to know how to navigate all of the lies of the food industry, which is steeped in all kinds of deception – as is every industry, be it pharmaceuticals, vaccines, pesticides, weapons of war, whatever. It seems like every industry is full of corruption, right? But so is the food industry. There’s no exception to that in the food industry. You’re going to learn a lot in this course, and I will have many more interesting tidbits to share with you. Let’s move on now to the problems that most people have when it comes to nutrition and foods in the context of a survival scenario. The first problem that most people have is they fail to prepare. They don’t even make an effort, much less listen to this course and become an expert about foods, herbs, survival and preparedness, and so on. They don’t even have an extra box of Kraft macaroni and cheese, which I don’t even consider to be food anyway. They don’t even have that. I mean, their cupboard is so thin. They can’t survive a weekend without going to the store to buy more things. Some people just eat at restaurants all the time, or at least they used to, before COVID-19 lockdowns closed most of the restaurants. People are living kind of hand to mouth, literally, in this case, with their meals. They don’t typically practice longterm storage.

They don’t understand the basics of food rotation, which is eat what you store, store what you eat and eat your oldest stored food first, so that you’re always constantly rotating your food stores. That’s obviously a basic rule of food storing. You probably already know that. I’m not even going to bother mentioning it again because it’s kind of self-evident, but people don’t even have that. So, they fail to prepare. Then, of course, they panic when things go wrong. “Oh, the grocery stores are empty!” This happened during the COVID lockdowns in certain parts of the country and around the world. Grocery store shelves were empty because of the food shortages and the meat plants getting shut down. Millions of Americans couldn’t buy their pork ribs or something. They were totally freaking out because they didn’t have stored quinoa to live on. The second mistake that most people make is they stock up on the wrong things, things that don’t have shelf life, and they failed to properly store them. When the average sort of clueless, oblivious American stocks up on food, and when I say American here, I also mean you, Canadians, too, because I mean North Americans, okay? You’re on the same boat. A lot of Canadians as well, they stock up on the wrong things. Americans will go to the grocery store, and they will buy Pop-Tarts. “Oh my gosh, there’s going to be a storm? Better get extra PopTarts”. Now Pop-Tarts are nutritionally worthless. Pop-Tarts are barely even food. There’s almost zero nutritive value in Pop-Tarts. It’s just sugar and corn syrup and processed bleached wheat flour that’s completely devoid of nutrients, and a bunch of artificial colors and little sprinkles on top. What is that? Just colored sugar bits. There’s nothing in there that’s going to keep you alive.

That’s not even food. Pop-Tarts are entertainment for your mouth. It’s not food for your body. It’s just going to promote hypoglycemia, maybe blood sugar swings, especially for people who are Type two diabetic. There are going to be a lot of diabetics who’ll find that there’s no insulin in a collapse. You’re going to have to change what you eat. You’re not going to be able to live on donuts and ice cream.

Survival Nutrition Guide 9 You’re going to have to figure out a different way to live, to control your blood sugar, which is mostly vegetables and raw foods, nuts and seeds, and simple grains or unprocessed grains like, well, quinoa, which is sort of a grain, but not exactly. The average food that people stock up on is not really food. They load up on bacon with sodium nitrite in it, which causes cancer. The sodium nitrite ingredient, it’s a cancer-causing chemical that’s found in processed meats, but people will stock up on that. They don’t even know that the way to stop those from causing cancer is to take vitamin C with them, so they don’t have vitamin C. You’ll see people who have a freezer full of toxic processed meat and no vitamin C, and a cupboard full of Pop-Tarts, but no actual nutrition anywhere in their kitchen. They’ll tell you that they’re prepared but they’re not. They’ve got wonder bread, which is aptly named, because I often wonder, “Is that bread?” There’s no nutritional value to it.

When I am at the grocery store, which is not that often, but at times when I’m there and I observe what’s in other people’s carts, I can’t even believe they’re still alive. Here’s a typical scene in Texas. There’ll be a Latina mom, who’s clearly obese and diabetic with two or three kids who are out of control, climbing all over the place, yelling and screaming because they’re living on sugar and soda. Sure enough, I look in the shopping cart and what’s it full of? Oh, sugar and soda. Lucky Charms cereal. Processed homogenized milk. Cases and cases of soda. Frozen pizza, the cheap crappy kind. This stuff isn’t even food. Then when the average person realizes they have to stock up on foods because something’s about to happen -- such as a civil war or a storm, or the power grids gone down, or whatever -- they will just increase their purchases of the same crap that’s killing them right now. The people who have diabetes, cancer or heart disease because of the toxic foods that they’ve been buying – now, they’ll just go out and stock up on the same foods that are giving them those diseases, including colon cancer, in the first place. “Wow! You’re coating the inside of your colon with cancer-causing chemicals.” “What?” Gosh, shouldn’t be any surprise that cancer develops. We do live in a world of cause and effect. This disconnect exists in the minds of most people, who don’t realize that the foods they eat produce the health effects that they’re experiencing. Sometimes, the doctor will tell them, “Well, yes, you have diabetes, but it’s not your fault, it runs in your family.” They’ll say it like it’s genetic. Yes, because your mom and dad drank soda and ate sugar and taught you the same thing. That’s why you’re diabetic. It’s not genetic. It’s learned selfpoisoning. Again, just as a little disclaimer here, I don’t make these audiobooks politically correct. This is about telling you the truth here. My hope is that those listening are not offended by the truth. If you happen to love your Pop-Tarts, you might be disgusted by now, but you can decide what to do. It’s your choice. I’m not going to be your food police here, but you do need to realize there’s a cause and effect at play. I’m not going to try to coddle you and make you feel good about your diet if your diet’s actually killing you. I’m going to point out throughout this entire course things that are toxic in the food supply, so that you can avoid those things. Then I’m going to give you solutions to things that are nourishing, which is the real point here for all the reasons I already mentioned up front. You have to nourish your body, your immune system, your brain, your heart, your fitness level, everything. If you want to survive, you’re in a competition here called “survival of the fittest.” You know who survives hard times? It’s people who are the most adaptive, the most fit and the most prepared. That’s not going to be Mrs. Latina grocery shopper with the soda packs and the hyper kids living on sugar bomb cereal. That’s not who’s going to survive this. I’m just sort of saying it like it is. Let’s move on to the third problem that most people experience, and that is they just lack knowledge about how to use foods to survive; how to prepare foods to survive; how to stretch the food supply; how to combine foods that you’re growing with foods that you’ve stored; and how to combine nutrients in a meal in a way that stabilizes your energy and provides Survival Nutrition Guide 10 sustainable productivity for the entire day. People just lack knowledge. They lack knowledge about essential oils and knowledge about herbs. Most people don’t know you can grow your own antibiotics, for example. When I tell you how to grow your own antibiotics, you’re going to say, “Oh, it’s that easy, really?” Yes, it is. You can grow antibiotics. In fact, do you live in a place where there’s a yard? Do you have anything growing in your yard? Well, if so, you’re already growing antibiotics in your yard. Here’s how you’ll know that that’s true. You’ve heard that soil has microbes in it. All soils have microbes. There are all kinds of colonies of microbiology, like bacterial strains and viral strains, living in the soil. You also know that plants have roots that go into the soil. Now I’ll ask you this. Why don’t the microbes in the soil eat the roots of the plants, including maybe grass or dandelions or weeds? What about your trees? How do trees live if there are microbes in the soil? Why aren’t those microbes eating all the tree roots? Guess what the answer is? Because trees produce antibiotics. Grass produces antibiotics. Weeds produce antibiotics.

They all produce antibiotics because plants can’t go to the pharmacy. They have to become their own pharmacy. They synthesize all of these very powerful molecules to kill off or defend themselves against microbes in the soil that would otherwise try to eat them. There are antibiotics all around you. You’ve just been taught and brainwashed by the fake news media and Big Pharma. You’ve been brainwashed to think that medicine only comes from a pharmacy. No, that’s fake medicine. Real medicine is all around you, everywhere around you. All in Nature; in the tree leaves, the tree bark, the seeds, the pollen, the roots and the flowers. Plants produce medicine or they would not survive. There is natural medicine all around you. It’s incredible that we, as human beings, live so disconnected from the world that we came from. We co-evolved with Mother Nature all around us. We are compatible with the foods and the plants that grow in the ecosystems that we inhabit. But somehow, we’ve been taught that food comes from a factory and medicine comes from a pharmacy. Those are both fake ideas, but that’s the lack of knowledge that I’m talking about. The average person doesn’t have any knowledge about food or medicine, or even how their body works. The average person can’t point to where their adrenal glands are, and they’ve lived with those glands their whole lives. They don’t even know where they are. They don’t know where their thyroid is located. The average person doesn’t understand how digestion works or what’s the role of the gallbladder. People live in bodies that they don’t even understand. It’s weird. It’s like owning a car and not knowing how to drive it, or having a radio but no owner’s manual. You don’t know how to operate the radio. People live in their bodies, but they don’t know how to run their own bodies, except for the obvious things: entertainment, masturbation, sex, whatever. People do figure those things out on their own. But when it comes to actually understanding how the body works – digestion, neurology, immunology, physiology, all these things -- they’re clueless. It’s like they’re alien in their own skin. It’s weird. It’s like they’re visitors from outer space inhabiting human bodies that they know nothing about. Actually, for some people like Mark Zuckerberg, that might literally be true. I’ll throw in a little humor from time to time. Maybe you don’t think that’s funny. You’re like, “No, man, that’s real.” Okay. I think he’s a cyborg, not an alien. Half-human, half-cyborg, something like that, but that’s beside the point. You’ve got to become good at knowing how your body works and how it interacts with food and nutrients and herbs. Otherwise, you’re not going to be able to survive what’s coming. People talk about even common terms like antioxidants. What is an antioxidant? What role does it play in your body? Why do you need a certain amount of antioxidants? What’s bad about oxidants that needs to be anti’d. We have to talk about that in this course. I will, a little bit. I’m not going to get too crazy technical, but you need to understand the basics of human physiology. Here’s a very important concept. I’ve covered this in other podcasts. When you urinate, do you know what makes your urine yellowish? Survival Nutrition Guide 11 It’s that you’re urinating out former red blood cells. Red blood cells that are dead and can be eliminated from the body.

That’s why your urine typically is a little bit yellow. If you exercise very strenuously, your urine will get darker and darker. If you really kill yourself with exercise, you might urinate something that almost looks brown. Those are your red blood cells dying off and being stripped away by your kidneys and eliminated through your urine. If you’re eliminating red blood cells all the time, you obviously would die of running out. You can’t live without red blood cells. That logically means your body must be making them. Your body’s making red blood cells all the time. I guarantee you the average person in America, plus you, Canadians, have no idea that red blood cells are made in your bones for the most part. You ask a typical person like, “Well, where did red blood cells come from?” They’d be like, “I don’t know.” Usually, a typical uninformed person will say, “They must be made in your heart because that has to do with blood.”

They know at least that much. The heart and blood kind of go together. The heart is a pump.

They’ve seen that in cartoons or whatever. Maybe the heart makes red blood cells? No, they’re made in your bones. But here’s the key: How are they made? And what are they made of? It turns out, the average person, even if they understand that red blood cells are made in your body, they still think it’s made by magic, like you have a magical blood cell factory that just sort of teleports red blood cells into existence. But that’s not at all what happens, because we don’t live in a magical bioverse here. We actually live in a cause-and-effect universe based on human physiology. It turns out, your body has to build red blood cells with the hemoglobin and everything. Hemoglobin is a miraculous molecule. It’s pretty cool. It’s like a molecular transformer. In one form, it carries carbon dioxide away, so you can exhale that toxin out of your body.

Then it transforms into something that’s like an oxygen magnet, picks up oxygen out of your lungs and takes this quantum leap across lung membranes into your red blood cells. Then your red blood cells carry that oxygen to living cells in your body. Then hemoglobin kind of catapults the oxygen into those living cells and transforms again to a carbon dioxide-carrying molecule.

This is some cool stuff. If you’re kind of geeky like me, it’s really cool. Hemoglobin is one of the miracles of modern life, but they are manufactured, they’re made. They’re made of hydrogen and carbon and oxygen atoms, and whatever else goes into them. I haven’t brought up that molecule in a while on the screen to look at it, but it’s a pretty big molecule, and it’s got a lot of atomic elements. Survival Nutrition Guide 12 Now, here’s the question. What is hemoglobin made of? What resources does your body use to make blood? If you think about this and ask someone on the street, if you convince them that their body is actually making blood -- because at some point they will have to join in that conclusion – they’ll say, “Okay! I give up, yes, the body must be making blood. Bu what is it making blood out of?” The answer is it’s making new blood out of things that are in your current blood, because it’s the blood supply that goes to the bones that feed the blood-making factories that assemble new blood molecules, such as hemoglobin and red blood cells, and so on. It’s made out of stuff that’s in your blood because, where else would it come from? You can’t be making blood out of stuff that’s teleported from an alternate dimension. You’re not making blood out of magical fairy vortexes that are in your body, or something like that. You’re making blood out of stuff that’s in your blood. That’s just a logical step. Well, what’s in your blood? What does your blood consist of?

The answer is, of course, the stuff that you’ve been eating and drinking and putting on your skin and absorbing. Your blood consists of things that you eat and drink and absorb and, to some extent, what you inhale, because that goes into your blood, too. That means the new blood that you’re making is made out of the stuff that’s in your current blood, which, in turn, is made out of the stuff that you’re eating, drinking, absorbing and inhaling. This means that the quality of the new blood that you’re making depends entirely on the quality of the things that you’re eating, drinking, absorbing and inhaling. What are most people eating and drinking and absorbing and inhaling? Garbage, garbage, garbage, garbage. They are sucking on cigarettes, eating toxic processed foods, drinking a bunch of sodas and alcohol, and absorbing toxic chemicals from the toxic laundry detergent they use because they think it makes the clothes smell good.

No. It’s actually causing liver cancer. The average person’s blood is so toxic. I don’t mean to be gross about this, but if humans were a source of food in America, even the USDA would reject the carcasses as unqualified for human consumption. You’d rather eat a cow. The USDA would stamp “Approved” on a cow carcass but “Rejected” on a human carcass because humans are filled with so many toxins. It’s outrageous, and it’s all because of what they eat and drink. What does this have to do with survival? It all comes back around. It has to do with everything that you need in the context of survival, such as wound healing and cognitive function. What feeds your brain? Your blood feeds your brain. Your brain is powered by what’s in your blood, blood glucose, for example. What’s your blood made of again? Everything that you’ve been eating and drinking and absorbing and inhaling. The function of your brain depends on the things that you’re consuming. If you’re consuming crap foods (i.e., Pop-Tarts and macaroni and cheese) and smoking pot all day because you want to chill, then your brain function is going to be frankly retarded. I don’t mean that in a condescending way. I mean it in a medical way. The retardation of cognitive function, that’s what’s going to happen. Can you survive in a mentally retarded state? Probably not. Although I’m sure that there will be plenty of people who’ll try, but they will be obvious because they will be the ones who are dead. Not a good way to survive. Everything that you take into your body becomes the building blocks of everything that physically exists in your body, that runs your immune system, your heart and your brain. Your heart is powered by fuel in your blood, just as your brain is, along with your digestive system, muscles, tendons, skin, eyeballs, everything. Nutritional survival should be a fundamental subject of every person who exists as a human being. You have to learn how to Survival Nutrition Guide 13 run the body that you are currently inhabiting. In case you plan on leaving it, at least leave behind an owner’s manual for the next soul that takes it over or, in the case of certain evil people, the next demon that infests their body. That must be weird, demons coming into people’s bodies, possessing them and showing up with like, “Oh my gosh, there’s this body that’s full of toxins.” Fits right in for some of those demons. They’re like, “Yeah! It feels like hell in here, it’s like very familiar.” But for the rest of us, we should attempt to attain more of a god-like body of health. That means more divine nutrition, nutrition based on light, not darkness; health, not sickness; and joy, not suffering. Survival Nutrition is about so much more than food. It’s about being in harmony with your body in a way that promotes sustainability, survivability and adaptability. This is way more than just a simple course about how to make it through a societal collapse. This is about how to survive the rest of your life in your body, because that’s probably where you’re going to be. Unless you have some weird trading places kind of a technology. Remember the old Eddie Murphy movie with him and Dan Aykroyd trading places, switching bodies? That was fiction. I don’t think that you or I are ever going to experience that. We’re going to have to learn to live in the bodies that we have. All of this knowledge becomes really critical for surviving in these bodies. That’s what this is really about. In summary, this course is not just about food, nutrients, herbs and raw materials that you can acquire and deploy based on strategic principles of survival. It’s also about long-term survivability, even when your body is under attack by biological weapons, infectious diseases, physical assaults and injuries, the stresses of our world, chem trail poisons, toxins in the food supply, toxins in the medicine, pharmaceuticals, mass medication, toxic fragrance chemicals in the laundry detergent – every kind of poison that you can imagine. This is about how to survive all that as well, not just the collapse of society. You’ll find that the skills and knowledge that I present here are universal across all of those scenarios. If you learn how to stay alive in peacetime and you really master this information, you’ll also be able to stay alive more easily during difficult times. The truth is, most people aren’t even surviving peacetime. Most people are dying right now. They’re dying with every bite of toxic food that they put into their bodies. They’re dying with every prescription medication that they swallow. They’re dying with every load of laundry that they do that’s full of toxic, cancer-causing chemicals. They’re dying all the time, and that’s why they look dead. They’re already kind of leaving their bodies because their soul is like, “Get me out of here! I can’t stand this. This is crazy.” When you really experience maximum health -- as I’ll teach you how to do in this course -- you’ll find that your soul becomes more enlivened as well. You’ll have more connection to yourself and to Nature, and to the world around you. You’ll have more connection to God, connection with divine principles; you’ll be more awake, alive and aware. This has everything to do with survival because, believe me, if you’re in some zombied-out state or medicated, bouncing off a sugar high, you’ll be depressed and angry. You’ll be all moody and everything because you only stocked up on Pop-Tarts and corn dogs. Your soul won’t even want to be there. Survival won’t really be very likely in that situation because you’re already half dead. We can’t talk about survival unless we stopped killing ourselves first. That should be the number one point of this course. People are killing themselves every day with every meal and every medication. People are killing themselves. People are suicidal, and they almost have some kind of pride in it. “Oh, today I drank 12 beers and I ate three pizzas.” Do you think this is a competition? 

Are you expecting a medal? I could bring you a participation trophy, if that would help, but we might want to get you a colon cleanse. I don’t know what it is that people are trying to do with their health, but it seems to me that most people just want to destroy themselves, and I mean that literally.

I think even psychologically, maybe some of you listening are psychologists or psychiatrists. I think if you dig down into the layers of most of your patients, don’t they all ultimately want to just kill themselves? If they could just bring a gun into your sessions and put that gun to their temple and pull the trigger, that would actually be their ultimate solution. They’re just too cowardly to do it. They really just want to kill themselves.

They go out and they attract bad relationships, and they have bad sex with risky partners and they have horrible food habits, and they just burn themselves out. Why? Because they hate themselves. They would rather die. The way to turn that around, at least part of the way, is to fix what’s in the blood that’s powering the brain. This is the missing gap that psychologists and psychiatrists don’t normally understand. I don’t mean to put down psychologists, they perform a very valuable service for society. But it’s kind of like, at some point, if your patient or client is angry and moody all the time, you might want to ask, what are you eating? What’s wrong with your physiology? Why do you have these blood sugar swings? Do you know what substances you’re abusing? What heavy metals are you putting into your body that’s causing this violent, aggressive behavior? Lead causes aggression and violence, it is a well-established fact. Copper causes people to become schizophrenics. The gap that psychologists have often is that they’re always trying to solve things by talking about it. “Oh, we’re going to peel away the layers of your ID, and we’re going to do this therapy where you imagine this and that.” Well, maybe the person just needs to stop poisoning themselves and eat healthier. And guess what? All those problems will go away, or at least a lot of them. I’m not saying their bad family, memories or whatever they’re dealing with are going to go away, but their ability to handle that will be so much more resilient when you’ve got good nutrition and adaptogens. I’m talking about foods and herbs and molecules that have adaptogenic properties that not only help reduce inflammation throughout your body, but also give your neurology more resilience when needed. Adaptogens. Plenty of foods and herbs fill that role, and that’s what’s missing in our society. Don’t even get me started on teachers that like to drug all the children with ADHD drugs. “Oh, you’re too hyper, you’re learning too fast.” “You want to go outside and be in the real world, must be something wrong with you.” “Let’s drug you up with toxic medications so that you will be obedient.” “Look, little Johnny sitting there numbed out, drugged out in a state, a zombie-like status.” “Oh, he’s the perfect student now.”

“Now, we can indoctrinate them with public school brainwashing. That’s considered a success.” That’s part of the problem with our world. What little Johnny really needs probably is a better diet and some playtime outside. School lunches are crazy toxic, that’s for sure. These are some of the things that we’re about to get into here, okay? This is just the introduction so far. I just wanted to give you a taste of what you’re about to learn here and kind of explain where I’m coming from on all of this. Survival Nutrition is about so much more than you might normally think. It’s about surviving your entire life in the body that you live in and using nutrition to achieve that. That’s what I’m an expert in. That’s what I’m going to share with you throughout this course. This is the end of the intro chapter. Just a reminder, if you don’t have access yet to the other chapters, just go to and you’ll be able to download those chapters for free, including a PDF transcript of all of it. I think you’ll enjoy that as well. And feel free to spread the word on this because I’d love for more people to get this information and to get healthier as a result. That’s my goal. If you want to see my other websites, as I mentioned up front, go check out That’s about preparedness solutions, including firearms. I’m also well-versed in firearms. You can also get my other audiobook, the Global Reset Survival Guide, at Those are all free resources for you. Thanks for listening so far to chapter one. We’ll move ahead with chapter two, which is myths of nutrition, and why everything you think you know about food is probably wrong in the survival context. So, we’ll get to that next. Thanks for listening.

Chapter 2

lcome to Chapter 2 of Survival Nutrition. I’m your host, Mike Adams. If you haven’t yet downloaded the PDF to this course, get them at And be sure to check out my other course, Global Reset Survival Guide. Download the nine-hour audiobook for free at In this chapter, we’re going to talk about the myths of nutrition, and why everything that you know about nutrition or everything you think you know might be wrong in the context of survival. We’ll start with the basics here. A lot of people, they like to buy foods that keep them slim and fit and trim. They’ll go to the grocery store and look for foods that claim to be, for example, “fat free.” Now, I’m a food scientist, and I’m a nutritionist, and so on. People shopping for fat-free foods are probably – I hate to be cruel, but they’re probably – very fat themselves. They’re probably not very healthy. Healthy people don’t look for fat-free foods. Healthy people look for healthy fats. I drink blended avocados every day for over 15 years now, that’s my breakfast. I should give you the recipe. I know it sounds kind of gross, but let me just tell you, it’s delicious. You take a fresh avocado, maybe a frozen large banana, some coconut water and a little bit of whey protein. You put in some cacao powder to give it kind of a chocolatey taste, some flax seeds and whatever else you think you want to put in there that’s going to go with a creamy, chocolatey type of milkshake taste. You blend all that together. If you use frozen bananas like I do, then you get kind of like a delicious, smooth, fat-filled but sweet kind of chocolate smoothie, like a chocolate shake. It’s the most amazing thing in the world. That’s why I’ve been drinking it for 15 years. You can put coconut water in it or just use regular water. You could put almond milk in it or not. You can switch it up, and it’ll still be incredibly healthy. This has been my breakfast for probably more than 15 years at this point. Oh, I also put turmeric in it, so it looks orange, kind of mustardy. That freaks people out. They’re like, “What are you drinking? Shrek’s breakfast?” “What is that stuff? Are you having like a honey mustard chug-a-lug?” “What? What are you doing?” People just get totally flipped out. It does taste weird if you overdo the turmeric powder. At first, you kind of have to acquire that taste. I like my breakfast to be, number one, super delicious and secondly, really, really healthy. Most importantly, it needs to provide nutrients that are going to keep me running and my brain working. It needs to keep my body working throughout the day because, you know, I’m lifting weights, six days a week. I’m doing cardio exercise and I’m using my brain. I’m doing podcasts and articles and videos, writing every day, doing research and managing my business, and so on. It’s very demanding. I’m not one of those people who only sleep four hours a night. No. I like to have a full eight hours of sleep, thank you very much. I’m not into sleep deprivation. I got to get all this stuff done in 16 hours every day. How do I do it? Well, number one, I don’t watch television. I don’t waste time socializing with people. I do consider that a waste of most of the time. I have good nutrition that keeps me at peak performance throughout the day. I also take a lot of supplements. What supplements do I take? Well, loads of vitamin C, some zinc, some resveratrol, CoQ10, pycnogenol, vitamin K2, grape seed extract, probiotics, nattokinase, plenty of vitamin D, and so on. I take different food concentrates, like quercetin. I take a lot of supplements and different herbs, keeps me in peak performance, whereas the average American is out there shopping for food that says fat-free or sugar-free. Just to decode this for you, fat-free means it’s loaded with sugar, and sugar-free means it’s loaded with artificial sweetener chemicals. That’s all it means! Sugar-free means it’s loaded with cancer-causing chemicals; fat-free means it’s loaded with sugar.

 Healthy people don’t look for fat-free food. They don’t buy fat-free, and they don’t buy sugar-free. No, I don’t think I’ve ever had anything in my shopping cart that said fat-free or sugar-free. The average consumer in America that’s in a grocery store, they have no idea what healthy food is.

When it comes to Survival Nutrition, they are totally lost.

In a survival context, you need fat. You need fat to power you through your day because fat is high-density caloric nutrition when it’s a healthy plant-based fat, i.e., fat from avocados, fat from almonds, fat from nuts and seeds and all these healthy fats; occasionally fat from butter or fat from animal lard where appropriate in a recipe.

There are recipes where animal lard actually makes a lot of sense, believe it or not, or you can just go vegetarian on that. You can throw in some olive oil or coconut oil, whatever works for you, but get some healthy fats, for God’s sake. But that doesn’t mean canola oil, corn oil and partially hydrogenated, genetically modified soybean oil – those aren’t healthy fats. They’re garbage junk food. Those are ingredients that are used in popular storable food products that are not organic, like soup mixes and stuff in creamy chicken soup. It’s all genetically modified crap oils that contain trans fats that promote heart disease, so avoid that stuff. Healthy fats are critical for your survival. I already mentioned some of the obvious choices you’d want to look for in the grocery store, things that you could stock up on. For example, coconut oil. Coconut oil is incredibly healthy. It’s full of MCTs, it’s anti-inflammatory and it’s antibacterial. Did you know you can use coconut oil to clean your firearms and lubricate your guns, or put it in a smoothie? Yes, no kidding. It’s good for your heart, it’s good for your brain and it’s good for your body. Coconut oil contains healthy, slow-burning fats, and it’s delicious in a lot of recipes, especially certain types of smoothies. You can even fry up some pancakes in coconut oil and have like coconut Hawaiian-themed tropical paradise pancakes today with banana chunks in them or whatever you’ve got. You can also put little freeze-dried mango bits in there. That’s good stuff. It’s good for you. And coconut oil can be stored for a very long time. So right there is a major tip. Coconut oil is sold everywhere. I would only buy organic. Fortunately, organic is very readily available. It used to be a specialty item. I mean, we sell it at It used to be that you can only get it online, but now it’s in every grocery store. You can just go out and find that at your grocery store and just buy organic. I think Nutiva is a brand that I’ve seen in grocery stores. I know the founder of Nutiva, John Roulac. He’s a cool guy, definitely into some good coconut oil. That’s a good brand you can pick up at the grocery store. I don’t know if he still runs the company. I have no idea, but when he founded, it was rocking. Coconut oil can be used for so many things. You can use it as a lubricant, both as personal lubricant as well as a mechanical lubricant. If you need to fix a squeaky hinge on a door or to lubricate your actual guns, your firearms, you can use coconut oil. You can clean your pistol with coconut oil. I actually have a video that shows how to do that. That video is at, if you want to see it. You should have a big jar of coconut oil and clean a pistol with it. It works amazingly well. In fact, there’s a very expensive, high-end gun cleaner and lubricant on the market -- I’m not going to say the name -- but all it is is coconut oil with green coloring in it, and a little bit of mint oil. That’s it! It’s just coconut oil at 10 times the price of coconut oil. For some reason, people have resistance to the idea of just opening a jar of coconut oil and using it to clean their gun. There’s a lot of resistance, for some reason, in the minds of people. They want a gun lube that says “Gun Lube” on it, even though it’s just coconut oil. 

 It’s like people want 15 different types of soap in their house. They want a kitchen soap, then they want a bathroom soap. Then they want a toilet soap. They’re called toilet cleaner, tile cleaner, scrub cleaner, sink cleaner, dish soap, hand soap and body soap. It’s all soap, people! It’s all the same, soap! It’s just soap with different labels on it and different concentrations of water in it, different colors. It’s all just soap! Soap is just a chemical that binds oils to water and makes oils dissolve in water. That’s all soap does. It’s a special molecule. All soap does is it allows oil molecules to hold hands with water molecules to make them soluble, so that you can lift oil out of clothing or whatever and get rid of it with water. It’s just soap, folks. I use the same soap for washing my hair and for shaving. I just put that soap on my face as a lubricant for shaving, wash my body with the same soap, wash my hands with the same soap, wash pots and pans with the same soap. It’s the soap that we sell. It’s an all purpose soap. I don’t even know how I got off on that subject, but it’s just so odd to me that you can go into the grocery store and there are entire aisles of products that are basically all the same thing with different colors and shapes, different bottles and names, different scents and fragrances. Are people really that stupid that they will buy 15 different types of soap for their house? And the answer is yes. I mean, the same thing is true with lubrication. People are like, “I’ve got a can of household oil and then I need a special oil.”

“I have a garage door, so I need spring oil.” “Oh, I’ve got a special oil for firearms, so I need firearms oil.” I don’t know what kinds of oils people have. Like people, it’s all the same oil.

You can open a can of motor oil and use it to lube your firearm. You can open a can of motor oil for your car. You can use it to lubricate your garage door springs or a doorknob, or whatever you need to lubricate. Frankly, you could do that with olive oil or soybean oil. say with a degreaser.” When you have knowledge about these subjects, you should immediately say, “Oh, that’s d-limonene,” which is the molecule from orange peel. It’s an orange peel extract, d-limonene. It’s also found in lemon peels. Just add a little bit of d-limonene to water and you have a window spray for pennies instead of spending dollars for that toxic blue crap that they sell at the grocery store in a spray bottle. It’s mostly ammonia – not sure what’s in there exactly. They made it blue, so it must work, right?

That’s what people say. Blue cleaners have to be blue. No, not at all.

Baking soda. There’s a thousand uses for baking soda, as a cleaner and also for your health. I have a whole section that talks about that in this audiobook. Baking soda, it’s an alkalizer. It can be used for first aid purposes. It’s sodium bicarbonate. It’s got a thousand household uses. To handle all these household tasks, you just need a bottle of soap, a container of baking soda and a container of motor oil, maybe a little bit of d-limonene. You only need a few things. Then you can lubricate everything. You can clean everything. You can wash everything. You can degrease everything. You can handle everything. And yet, there’s a whole store full of cleaning products. The same thing is true about food. People don’t know what food is, so they ended up buying all this packaged food, which is just a thousand different versions of genetically modified corn: corn syrup, corn flour, corn maltodextrin, corn syrup solids, corn tortillas, corn flakes and cornbread. Again, corn syrup. There’s corn syrup in your spaghetti sauce, corn syrup in your pizza sauce, corn syrup in your cereal, corn syrup in tea drinks. It’s just a thousand different versions of corn. Why not buy buckets of corn? And then you’ve got the corn. You can make anything out of it, anything that calls for corn in a recipe. You can grind it up and dry the corn kernels. You would probably get them dry, put them in a bucket. You can grind them up and make cornmeal. You can use cornmeal with some salt and pepper, and some oil, and have a fish fry, fry up some okra. Okra is easy to grow. Oh, did I just accidentally admit that I’m from the Midwest on that one? Well, I’m sorry. Maybe you thought I was from the deep South. “Okra? Who is this crazy white boy eating okra with cornbread?” Yes, no joke. One of the most delicious meals ever. Fry that up in some oil in a pan with some salt and pepper and you have fried okra, folks. That stuff will keep you alive. It’s easy to grow and harvest. Okra grows quickly. It’s pretty much overgrown by the time you realize it’s already there. You’ll be like, “Oh my gosh, that okra is too big now. Forgot to clip it off when it was small enough and tender.” You got to get those okras when they’re young. You don’t want some old stringy okra; it turns in a dental floss in your mouth. You see what I’m getting at here? It’s that you can purchase food staples. You can purchase large quantities of organic wheat, organic quinoa, organic rice, pinto beans, red beans, black beans, lentils, oats, kamut, whatever you need to purchase – corn, barley, all these different things. With just a little bit of knowledge, and maybe a grain grinder – like a hand-cranked grain grinder, which doesn’t cost that much – you’ll be able to make food out of these things. Don’t get the electric grain grinders, get the hand-powered ones so you can use them like a little hand-powered grain mill. Yes, it’s a little bit of work, I agree, but you’ll be able to make food without electricity. Why would you do this? Why would you have a grain mill? Why wouldn’t you just store wheat flour or cornmeal or cereals that are already ground up from Bob’s Red Mill, or whatever ground-up millet flour. Why wouldn’t you store that? The answer is because that stuff has no shelf life. Once you disturb the integrity of the grain, its shelf life is slashed by a factor of – usually – ten. If you try to store a bag of wheat flour, that bag might have a shelf life of six months, whereas if you’re storing wheat berries, store them in a five-gallon pail, a polyethylene white plastic pail with an airtight lid that’s hammered on. That sucker’s rat-proof, light-proof, moisture-proof and air-proof. Not quite bulletproof, but almost. And that will store actually for 20 years, as long as you keep it relatively cool. Once you grind up the wheat berries, its shelf life goes down to just a few months. If you’re going to store food Survival Nutrition Guide 20 as part of your survival strategy here, you’ll need to buy whole grain foods, buy the intact food at the grocery store that’s usually on the bottom shelf. “Oh, here’s the wheat berries. Here’s the lentils. Here’s the beans.” You may even have to go online and find a food storage place that sells the whole foods in a storable format, because that’s what’s going to give you shelf life. Then you just take out the food as you need it and grind it up, make the flour and then make the bread as you need it. You make the cornmeal as you need it to make cornbread. Just a little commentary on cornbread. I don’t know what’s happening to cornbread in America, but American people think cornbread is now cake. Actually, they think corn cake is cornbread, but it isn’t. Cornbread is not supposed to be sweet. I don’t know who came up with that idea. Basically, restaurants in America today, they’ll serve you cornbread. It’s actually like corn muffin. Let’s just be honest, it’s a corn-freaking-muffin. It’s a spongy, sugared up, kind of slightly orange, yellowish-colored something that doesn’t even taste like corn. That’s just corn cake. I was in Branson, Missouri giving a speech last year for the GenSix conference. There was one of these kind of Midwest restaurants – I forgot what it’s called – one of those family-style dining places that are not too highend.

It seems like it had the word bucket in it or something, the name of the restaurant.

I’m sorry to say – if you’re from Southern Missouri listening to this, I’m absolutely not trying to be insulting by any means. But my God, there wasn’t a person there under an obesity rating of – I mean, everybody in that restaurant was overweight. I’ve never seen a parade of obesity like that before in my life. I was really amazed. They served cornbread and it was corn cake, and then it all clicked. Those people thought they were eating cornbread, but they were not.

They were eating corn cake along with fake gravy on their biscuits. I had to get out of there before they turned me into one of them, before I got too heavy to be able to get out of my chair and exit of the place. Everything they were serving was the kind of food that you would use to fatten up cattle before slaughtering them. It was all processed garbage food, and that’s what people are used to eating. To circle this back around to the whole point here: When people go to the grocery store, they tend to stock up on things that have no nutritive value, things that make them fat, that give them heart disease and cancer and diabetes. They stock up on things that taste good because they come with flavor packets. “Oh, open this flavor packet. Here, instant gravy. Just add water to this powdered MSG.” But it’s just maltodextrin and cornstarch, really, because that’s not the kind of gravy that my grandmother used to make. That’s not gravy. Gravy is supposed to be the drippings of sausage, real pork sausage that came out of a white wax paper wrapper and came from the slaughterhouse, where they processed a couple of hogs last week.

That sausage is fresh. If you fry it up in a pan and take the sausage out, what do you have left over? Grease, right? Liquid grease. Well, what does a grandma do with that grease?

You’re not going to throw that out, not when you live on a farm. Not when you’re out in the country and you’re trying to survive on food. You take that grease, you put in some corn starch with water, a little bit of salt and pepper. Add butter to that grease, and you have gravy, real gravy.

You put that on some biscuits, I might eat that. But I’m not eating your fake MSG gravy at your bucket and barrel restaurant, whatever it’s called. It just might as well be called cattle corral. Isn’t there actually a restaurant called Golden Corral? When the door opens, does it just go like a cow in a shed? Because they just greet you with a giant moo. “Welcome to the feeding trough with fake gravy and fake food and corn cake.” It’s just disgusting. People run around the grocery store, buying all the crap that they’re used to eating, and they think its survival food when it’s actually death food. That’s what they’re doing every day. They’re dying from all the toxic food they’re eating. They’re not surviving at all. They’re dying. They’re committing processed food suicide on a daily basis. Cracker Barrel. I think maybe that’s the name of the restaurant. Does that sound familiar to anybody? Cracker Barrel? I was thinking bucket, but it’s actually barrel. Cracker Barrel. That’s what it was. It was like a giant warehouse of obese people. Just stunning. It really was emblazoned on my mind that there is a real obesity problem in Branson, Missouri.

No question about it.

I don’t mean to make light of it. I’m sorry if I’m offending anybody. We’ve all had challenges in our lives, and I’m not as light and thin as I used to be. I used to be super thin, but I’m not that way anymore. I can’t blame anybody else I suppose, but my goodness, could we make better health choices in this country? Could we, maybe, serve food that is for humans and not cattle?

That’s all I’m saying. When you go out buying survival foods at the grocery store, it’s really critical that you recognize the difference. I’m trying to circle this back around; I keep getting distracted. I apologize, but people are buying a thousand different versions of processed garbage ingredients at the grocery store: mostly genetically modified corn, processed corn syrup and processed bleached white flour, which has nothing in it other than empty calories. That’s not storable food. The biggest myth that people need to undo or unlearn in all of this is really just understanding what is food, because by definition, food should have nutritive value. Food should nourish your body. Food should not be just a source of entertainment for your mouth. Food is in your mouth for 60 seconds. Even that’s kind of a long chew time for a lot of people, 60 seconds. Then it goes through your body for 24 to 96 hours, depending on how often you have a bowel movement. For some people, 96 hours isn’t even enough. Once food is in your body, it’s in contact with your inner body for much longer than the one minute that it’s in your mouth. Yet most people eat for that one minute of pleasure on the lips, in the mouth. “Oh my God, this texture of sugar and partially hydrogenated soybean oil – cake icing – oh, it’s so amazing.” And then they swallow it. You should spit that stuff out. That’s not food. It’s just entertainment for your tongue. Okay, lick it around a little bit then spit it out. You want to eat something? Make sure it’s food. I’m sorry, but cake icing is not food, especially not the artificial icing that’s made today with nothing but partially hydrogenated oils. People out there are buying all that Crisco vegetable shortening.

You know why it’s called vegetable shortening? Because it’s shortening your lifespan; that’s what it is. That’s the truth. That says partially hydrogenated soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil, whatever it is. That’s crazy. People cook with that. A lot of women love to bake with that. “Oh, we’ve got to make some cookies for everybody, gotta use some shortening because we gotta shorten the life span of all these children who are going to eat these cookies.” “We gotta make some cake with some shortening to shorten some life spans. It’s crazy! They don’t want to use coconut oil because coconut oil leaks out of the cookies. It makes it greasy under the cookies. No one wants to touch greasy cookies. Shortening stays in the cookie. Shortening stays in the cracker – if you’re making crackers or whatever. That’s why it’s used in all the baked goods in grocery stores.